Mr. Bharat R Joshi's career has spanned the roles of entrepreneur, author, social worker and mentor. Bharat is CEO of J-Curve Ventures Pvt. Ltd ( J-Curve focuses on a range of verticals through 3 i’s – Insight+, Investment and Implementation, and has alliances with institutions in Germany (Fraunhofer IML), New Zealand, Hungary and Netherlands.
India has the potential to generate an additional $18 Trillion of GDP within the lifetime of its young and growing work force. At the macro level, we are embracing reform and technology, to move firmly in this direction. At micro level, organisations and individuals will be both, generators and beneficiaries of this phenomenal growth.
PM OF INDIA#VerySpecialDay presenting my book to Hon PMs of India & Japan @METI_JPN @investindia @NITIAayog @PiyushGoyal @CimGOI @RailMinIndia |
PM OF JAPAN#VerySpecialDay presenting my book to Hon PMs of India & Japan @METI_JPN @investindia @NITIAayog @PiyushGoyal @CimGOI @RailMinIndia |
EVENT BY FRENCH CONSULATEPanel discussion on 'Navigating India' @IFCCI1 @godrej @NavigatingInd @AFMumbai #Nadir Godrej |
Navigating IndiaNavigating India is a non-preachy, non-prescriptive and unbiased account of the possibilities that define India amidst magnificent paradoxes. It provides an experiential compass through first-hand accounts and insights from some of India’s most respected names in business, public governance, diplomacy and intelligentsia. It lucidly explains the frequent and vital intersections between ...
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